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Address: Baqi Road, Shishi City, Fujian Province, Lion Industrial Building    Tel:0595-88766828    Fax:0595-88760615
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To attend the Sixth China International Police Equipment Exhibition

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Our company was invited to attend the Sixth China International Police Equipment Exhibition, as the only International Police Equipment Exhibition organized by the Ministry of Public Security, China International Police Equipment Exhibition has been successfully held for four times to promote mainland Chinese police equipment industry develop and raise the level of modernization of police equipment plays an important role, it has become the exhibition industry has the highest authority and social awareness, and has attracted a growing number of countries and regions concerned. Past exhibitions have received national attention ministries and senior officials to visit. The exhibition will be on the basis of previous success, the Olympic security and police equipment modernization as the theme, to continue to provide an international platform for buyers and sellers.








To attend the Sixth China International Police Equipment Exhibition